EURO-INDEX is manufacturer of BLAUWE LIJN
We are also an authorized importer / distributor of several high quality brands.
EURO-INDEX b.v. offers a broad range of test and measurement instruments with optional accessories, software and services. We supply these products and services in the Netherlands. Therefore all product information on this website is presented in Dutch.
Megger PAT250R
Compacte NEN3140 apparatentester met accu, Bluetooth® communicatie en CertSuite PAT-software.
Ion Science Falco 2 11,7
Stationaire VOC-detector met 11,7 eV PID-sensor voor toepassing in vrijwel alle omstandigheden.
Megger MFT-X1 actie
Multifunctionele installatietester voor het testen van alle typen laagspanningsinstallaties. Tijdelijk extra voordelig inclusief (...)