Quality assurance

ISO 9001:2015 certified
On June 22, 1999 EURO-INDEX b.v. has received the ISO 9001:2015 certificate from DNV.GL. EURO-INDEX is certified for purchasing, sales and rental of measurement and control instrumentation and central heating components for building, maintenance and safety of technical installations, as well as preventive maintenance, repair, calibration and testing of this instrumentation. Performing preventive maintenance, repair, calibration and testing of measurement and control equipment on location, according to the EURO-INDEX b.v. quality system.
Download DNV NEN-EN ISO 9001 certificate

RvA accreditation
The EURO-INDEX calibration laboratory has been accreditated by the Dutch accreditation body RvA for different quantities since august 21st 1997. This means EURO-INDEX has shown to have a documented quality management system that meets the requirements of NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2005, to be technically skilled and to be capable of delivering valid results.This accreditation is applicable for the quantities stated in the attachment to the certificate RvA K105. The certificate and the attachment can be found below.
Download Certificate RvA K 105

Qualified training company
SBB has certified EURO-INDEX to be a qualified training company. A qualified company has to meet a number of conditions and criteria. In general it means a company is able to teach the necessary skills, give professional advice, assistance and attention to its trainees.
Download Certificate SBB